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Investor Presentaiton

Other Prospects at Kiimala Trend Antikanperä • • Numerous promising drilled and undrilled prospects There are 5 drilled prospects near the Ängesneva deposit, which have hit gold intersections and remain to be followed up in detail. Based on limited drilling (35 holes) at Vesiperä, GTK estimated a non- code compliant resource of 290kt @ 2.5g/t Au for 23,600oz. The Kiimala prospect has no resource estimate, but a drill intersection of 17.25m @ 2.27g/t Au from 42.6m requires follow-up. Other prospects that have been drilled are Ängeslampi, Titola and Pöhlolä, Alakylä and Paaneva, which contain drilled gold intersections over 1 g/t that were never followed up on. Veihtineva, Sarjankylä, and Mustakorpi, are undrilled prospects but look promising based on geophysics and rock chip sample results, respectively. Aittoneva Pöntio The structure parallel with one hosting Gemdale Ltd's Pontio mineralisation extends south passing through Northgold's Haapavesi 3 (Mustakorpi) property. 3.8 ppm Au in an outcrop Kilmala Angesneva Angeslampi Tiitola Vesipera The entirety of the trend remains prospective for numerous further discoveries. Pöhlola Mustakorpi 0.48 ppm Au in an outcrop Mustakorpi 0 kilometers Northgold 21
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