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Investor Presentaiton

Moolec addresses directly 10 of the 17 SDGs We use SDGs and 2030 Agenda as guidelines to strategically align our business in the search of the building of a more equitable, resilent and sustainable food system 12. Moolec HUNGER SUSTAINABLE 2 ZERO DEVELOPMENT GOALS SSS TM 3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING W 6 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION 7 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY DECENT AND REDUCED 8 ECONOMIC GROWTH 10 NEQUALITIES M RESPONSIBLE 12 CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION GO CLIMATE 13 ACTION LIFE 14 BELOW WATER LIFE 15 ON LAND TM SCIENCE IN Moolec ALTERNATIVE PROTEINS 2 13 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS M NO POVERTY LIFE 15 LIFE ON LAND 14 BELOW WATER 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Forests contain over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity Fish gives 3 bn people 20% of daily animal protein CLIMATE ACTION Agriculture is key in responding t dimate change Ending hunger can contribute greatly to peace and stability Partnerships help raise the voice of the hungry Almost 80% of poor people live in rural areas ZERO 2 HUNGER We produce food for everyone, yet almost 800 million go hungry FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 555 3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Good health starts with nutrition Nutritious food is critical to learning Women produce 1/2 the world's food but have much less access to land QUALITY 4 EDUCATION сл 12 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION 1/3 of the food we AND PRODUCTION QO produce is lost or wasted Rural investment con deter unmanageable urbanization SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES GENDER EQUALITY From ending poverty, hunger to responding to climate change, food and agriculture lie at the very heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Sustainable agriculture has the potential to address water scarcity CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION Modern food systems developing countries Agricultural growth in low-income economies con reduce poverty by half are heavily dependent on fossil fuels DECENT WORK AND AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY Land reforms can give fairer access Agriculture in accounts to rural land 10 REDUCED INEQUALITIES for 1/4 of GOP INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE ECONOMIC GROWTH .39
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