Grow & Scale - Improving Sales Effectiveness slide image

Grow & Scale - Improving Sales Effectiveness

End Notes The Bank prepares its consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), which form the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). In addition, the Bank uses a number of financial measures and ratios to assess its performance, as well as the performance of its operating segments. Some of these financial measures and ratios are presented on a Non-GAAP basis, meaning they are not calculated in accordance with GAAP, not defined by GAAP, do not have standardized meanings and therefore might not be comparable to similar financial measures and ratios disclosed by other issuers. The Bank believes that Non-GAAP measures and ratios are useful as they provide readers with a better understanding of how management assesses performance Across the Presentation • • Financials are on a full year reported basis unless indicated otherwise For further information on Interest Rate assumptions, see page 19 of Investor Day Financial Overview presentation Slide 3 1. Net income attributable to equity holders 2. Please refer to Non-GAAP Measures on pages 20-26 of Management's Discussion & Analysis in the Bank's 2023 Annual Report, available on, for an explanation of the composition of the measure and a quantitative reconciliation. Such explanation and reconciliation are incorporated by reference hereto Slide 4 1. Net income attributable to equity holders 2. Clients across Retail, Commercial, SME and Tangerine 3. Average Total Loans and Acceptances 4. Average Total Deposits 5. Please refer to pages 136-138 of Management's Discussion & Analysis in the Bank's 2023 Annual Report, available on, for an explanation of the composition of the measure 6. Please refer to Non-GAAP Measures on pages 20-26 of Management's Discussion & Analysis in the Bank's 2023 Annual Report, available on, for an explanation of the composition of the measure and a quantitative reconciliation. Such explanation and reconciliation are incorporated by reference hereto. Please refer to Non-GAAP Measures reconciliations starting on page 44 of this presentation. Slide 5 1. Includes Sales Staff & Sales Leaders 2. All assisted interactions including inbound calls, outbound calls, chat, etc. 3. Average Total Loans and Acceptances 4. Average Total Deposits 39
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