BBVA Bancomer/2018 Annual Report
Responsible Banking
First place on the list of most
socially responsible companies in
Mexico in 2018, according to news
magazine Expansión.
BBVA Bancomer
More than 5 billion pesos
invested in projects that uphold
the Equator Principles.
Reduction of nearly 28,000
tons of CO, equivalent, thanks to
the use of clean energies in 2018.
Institutional campaign:
#hazlocorrecto (#dotherightthing)
15% reduction in the number
of claims and grievances.
32,546 participants
received training in
Anti-Money Laundering
Responsible Customer
Sustainable finance
Investment in the community
Managing reputation
Responsible commitment
to employees
18 years of being a
Socially Responsible
Company (SRC).
Since 2002, the Bank has
awarded grants worth
over 4.8 million pesos.
Lowering the average claim
resolution time to eight days.
BBVA Bancomer remained
Mexico's number one bank for
customer satisfaction.
BBVA Bancomer is the first bank
in Mexico to embrace Al through
231 million pesos
invested in employee
1,890,425 training
hours delivered to
Green bond issue
worth 7 billion pesos.
9,900 trees planted in eight
states across the country.
17 volunteering actions
carried out across Mexico.
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