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Investor Presentaiton

Audit Improvement plan Finding Expenditure recorded in an incorrect financial period During the audit of expenditure, it was identified that expenditure which had occurred in prior years was recorded in the current year expenditure for the year ended 31 March 2021. This has resulted in the cumulative overstatement expenditure in the current financial year of the (2020/21) and understatement of the expenditure in previous financial years. Furthermore, this is non-compliance with GRAP 1 paragraph 31. Status Resolved • South African NATIONAL PARKS Action Plan Due Date Invoices will be captured in the Monthly open period however each park will keep a monthly register of all invoices received late. The register will be submitted to head office on a monthly basis. Manager: Financial Administration will consolidate the registers. Materiality of all late invoices will be assessed during preparation of interim AFS and final AFS and the amounts to be adjusted accordingly. 30 November 2021 &31 March 2022 General Ledger to be reviewed by Monthly all Regional Finance Managers on a monthly basis. 69
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