2022-24 Strategic Plan Update
Glossary (IV/VI)
MDA buffer
Minority interests & other
Mobilisation of Sustainable
Net fees and commissions
NPL coverage ratio
Maximum Distributable Amount buffer: capital threshold below which limitations exist on dividend payments, variable remuneration and interest payments to holders of Additional Tier 1 capital
Profit/(loss) attributable to minority interests and others. Includes the following line items: Profit/(loss) for the period attributable to minority interests (non-controlling interests); Profit/(loss) after tax from
discontinued operations.
The mobilisation of sustainable financing is the sum of the following items:- Sustainable mortgage financing (with energy performance certificate "A" or "B"), financing for home energy refurbishment,
financing for hybrid/electric vehicles, financing for photovoltaic panels, agricultural eco-financing and microloans granted by MicroBank; Sustainable financing to Business, Developer and CIB & IB; The sum
considered for the mobilisation of sustainable financing is the limit of risk arranged in sustainable financing operations with customers, including long-term financing, working capital and off-balance sheet
exposure. Novations and tacit and explicit renewals of sustainable financing are also included. CaixaBank's share in the issuance and placement of sustainable bonds (green, social or mixed) by customers;-
Net increase of Assets under management in CaixaBank Asset Management, in products classified under Article 8 and Article 9 of SFDR (includes new funds/fund mergers registered as per Article 8 and
Article 9, plus net contributions and market effect); Gross increase of Assets under management in VidaCaixa, in products classified under Article 8 and Article 9 of SFDR (includes gross contributions
without considering withdrawals or the market effect-to Pension Funds, Voluntary Social Security Entities (EPSV) and Unit Linked classified under Article 8 and Article 9 of SFDR).
Minimum Requirement for own funds and Eligible Liabilities to absorb losses, includes instruments eligible for total capital, senior debt non-preferred, senior debt preferred and other instruments ranking
pari-passu with the latter, at Single Resolution Board's criteria.
Minimum reserve requirement.
Default recognition based on European prudential standards.
Net fee and commission income. Includes the following items: Fee and commission income; fee and commission expenses.
Next Generation EU.
Net interest income. Under IFRS 17, it continues to consider revenues from financial assets affected by the insurance business, but at the same time, accounts for a cost derived from interests which come
from the capitalisation of the new insurance liabilities at an interest very similar to the asset acquisition performance rate. The difference between those revenues and costs it is not significant. The margin
from savings insurance contracts is accounted for in "Insurance service result".
Net interest margin, also Balance sheet spread, difference between average rate of return on assets (annualised interest income for the quarter divided by total average assets for the quarter); and average
cost of funds (annualised interest expenses for the quarter divided by total average funds for the quarter).
Non-Performing Assets.
Quotient between total credit loss provisions for loans to customers and contingent liabilities, using management criteria; and non-performing loans and advances to customers and contingent liabilities,
using management criteria.
Non-performing loan ratio. Non-performing loans and advances to customers and contingent liabilities, using management criteria over gross loans to customers and contingent liabilities, using
management criteria.
NPL ratio
NPL stock/NPLS
Net stable funding ratio.
Non-performing loans including non-performing contingent liabilities.
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