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Investor Presentaiton

OLSON PROPERTY: High-Grade Gold 2020 & 2021 Drill Program - Highlights 30 holes drilled in 2 programs (18in 2020 and 12 in 2021) Olson Showing: High-grade potential and open along strike OL20017 (150m step out) [email protected]/t Au including: 1.23m @9.64 g/t Au Point Showing: Significant width, continuity and near surface. OL20004 39.8m @1.09 g/t Au including: 7.62m @3.44 g/t Au including: [email protected] g/t Au Jena Showing: High-grade and potential growth OL20002 [email protected] g/t Au 1.24m @1.14 g/t Au [email protected] g/t Au 6092000 6093000 6094000 6095000 Prince Albert Saskatoon Swift Current Moose Jaw Regina Siskin Inset OL20013 579000 i COL20017 OL20016 Olson 582000 581000 N 580000 SKRR EXPLORATION Juba OL20015 OL20018 Point OL20004 OL20006 OL20005 OL20008 COL20007 OL20010 OL20009 OL20011 OL20012 Tuscan Siskin 0 25 50 m 579000 580000 581000 OL20001 OL20002 OL20003 OL20014 Jena 0 250 500 750 1000 m 582000 6093000 6094000 EPL: TSX-V Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. Olson 2020 DDH Plan Map Scale 1: 15,000 Projection - NAD83 UTM Zone 13N Legend Lakes Rivers Tenure Drill Collar Locations 2020 Drill Collar - Reported Results 2020 Drill Collar - Unreported Results Historic Drill Collar -Drill Hole Trace Interpreted Geology Diorite Porphyritic Diorite Granite and Granodiorite Hornblende Mafic to Intermediate Volcanics Pelitic Schist Staurolite Schist 6092000 SKRR EXPLORATION ISKRR.CA | TSX.V. SKRROTCQB: SKKRF | FSE: BO4Q 12
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