SMBC Group's Financial and Credit Portfolio slide image

SMBC Group's Financial and Credit Portfolio

TLAC issuance results and strategy TLAC issuances and redemptions" (USD bn) Redemption Issuance 15 11.1 10 7.9 7.8 8.1 6.9 5 ■ USD EUR AUD JPY = Others Maintain issuance level of USD 8-10 bn Mar. 20 (5) Mar. 21 (2.5) Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Mar. 24 (4.2) (6.6) Mar. 25 (5.9) Mar. 26 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 (10) (7.6) (7.5) (6.7) (11.6) (15) Historical issuance calendar *2 Apr FY3/18 FY3/19 FY3/20 FY3/21 $Formosa FY3/22 30nc10 $500mm FY3/23 FY3/24 May € 5y Green €500mm 5.5y AUD750mm Jun Jul Aug $ 5y/10y €1.25bn 5y/10y $4.25bn $ 5y/10y $2.0bn €500mm 5y $ 5y/10y $4.5bn $ 5y/10y $3.0bn¦ € 4nc3/6nic5/11nc10 7y ¥130bn €600mm $ 3y/5y/7y/10y $3.3bn Sep Oct Nov Dec € $ 7y Green 5y/10y €500mm $2.5bn $ 5y/10y $2.5bn A$ 5y/10y 5y 10y $1.5bn AUD625mm €1.25bn ---- Jan Formosa 5y/10y 30nc1p $2.75bn $265mm $ Sy/10y $2.5bn Feb Mar $ by(Re-open) $850mm $ 5y/7y/10y $ Formosa 7y 30nc10 €500mm $500mm $Formosa 3y Green /5y/10y/20y 30nc10 $2.5bn $ $420mm $Formosa $5.0bn $ 5y/10y $2.0bn 5y/7y Green /20y 30nd10 $2.0bn $315mm $ 3y/5y/7y/10y 4nc3/6nc5/11nc10 3y/5y/7/10y(Re-open) $5.8bn ¥130bn $1.3bn $ *1 The sum of SMFG Senior Bonds issuances and redemptions. All redemptions were, or are expected, at maturity other than for callable bonds, which were, or are expected to be, redeemed at their respective 1st call dates, while there is no assurance they will be redeemed at such time. Among all bonds priced by Sep. 23, only includes issuance with original maturity of two years or more and its tap issue as of Sep. 23. Translated into USD at the exchange rate as of the end of each period for Copyright © 2023 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group. FY3/20-FY3/23, and as of Sep. 23 for FY3/24-FY3/28 *2 Based on pricing date All Rights Reserved. 21
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