Employee Activism: From Risk to Asset slide image

Employee Activism: From Risk to Asset

REWARD OUTWEIGHS RISK FOR COMPANIES THAT ARE PREPARED TO TAKE A MEANINGFUL STAND Percent of U.S. Investors who would be more or less likely to invest in an organization that publicly supports and demonstrates a commitment to each issue Much more Less likely likely 60 54 53 51 51 47 45 41 3 12 7 7 9 Increasing access to quality healthcare The need to address climate Gender equality Racial equality change Reducing economic inequality Immigration reform Tax reform 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Institutional Investors. Q22_3. What impact, if any, does a company demonstrating strong public support for the following issues have on your likelihood to invest in that company? Shown T1B Likely/B2B Less likely Base: United States n=100 17 LGBTQ+ equality Edelman 38
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