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Investor Presentaiton

HKAS 1.51(a) HKAS 1.49 HK Listco Ltd Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 HKAS 1.61 HKFRS 16.53(j), 54, 59(a) (b) The amount of properties for future development and under development expected to be recovered after more than one year is $12,025,000 and $57,853,000 respectively (2022: $10,340,000 and $50,793,000 respectively). All of the other inventories are expected to be recovered within one year202 The analysis of carrying value of land 203 held for property development for sale is as follows: HKAS 1.61 202 HKFRS 16.53(j)& 54 HKFRS 16.59(a) In Hong Kong, with remaining lease term of: - 50 years or more between 10 and 50 years 2023 $'000 2022 $'000 67,046 58,177 16,760 16,760 83,806 74,937 HKAS 1 requires disclosure of the amount expected to be recovered or settled after more than one year, when any balance combines this with amounts expected to be recovered or settled within one year. For the avoidance of doubt, it is also useful to make a specific statement concerning all other balances (i.e. those expected to be fully recovered or settled within one year and those expected to be fully recovered or settled after one year). However, such disclosure is not required under HKAS 1. 203 Where the entity has included right-of-use assets within inventory on the face of the statement of financial position (as allowed by paragraph 47(a) of HKFRS 16), the lessee shall disclose the amount of these right-of-use assets at the end of the reporting period by class of underlying asset in the notes as required by paragraphs 47(a), 54 and 53(j) of HKFRS 16. In addition, a lessee is required to disclose information that helps users of financial statements to assess the nature of the lessee's leasing activities. In this regard, it would be informative to analyse the carrying value of significant ownership interests in leasehold properties by indicating the remaining lease term as illustrated here. 129 © 2023 KPMG, a Hong Kong partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited ("KPMG International"), a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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