Investor Presentaiton
Risk and Return Metrics Definitions
Risk and return metrics
Total return (%)
Total risk (%)
Sharpe ratio
Active return (%)
Tracking error (%)
Information Ratio
Historical beta
Average number of constituents
Turnover (%)
Price to book
Price to earnings
Dividend yield (%)
Annualized index return
Annualized index risk (based on monthly returns)
Ratio of annualized return and annualized risk
The Sharpe ratio is computed as the ratio of index excess returns and annualized total risk where excess return is defined as the difference between the
annualized total index return and the risk free rate corresponding to the currency of analysis
Difference of the annualized index return and the annualized benchmark return
Annualized standard deviation of active returns (based on monthly data)
Ratio of index active return and tracking error (based on monthly data)
Beta is a measure of the level of co-movement between an index and its benchmark. It is calculated as the correlation between index and benchmark returns
multiplied by the ratio of total risk of the index and its benchmark (based on monthly data)
Average number of constituents (based on monthly data)
Annualized Average one-way index turnover over rebalancing dates
Price to book harmonic average (based on monthly data)
Price to earnings harmonic average (based on monthly data)
Dividend yield (%) average (based on monthly data)
MSCI IndexMetrics®.
Information Classification: GENERAL
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