EQ Up Close: Case Study Series - New Brunswick
The Department followed the initial training with a second round of workshops, as well as providing one-on-one support, and has made presentations to tourism
associations across the province. Their goal is to ensure the dissemination and understanding of EQ is reaching the operator level, and they are having success.
One example of operators taking insights from EQ and making it relevant for their jurisdiction is the Miramichi River Tourism Association. Linda Gaston, Former Executive
Director of the Atlantic Salmon Museum and President of the Miramichi River Tourism Association, described how their region used EQ. Their focus was to ensure the
industry had information about the primary NB EQ types (AE/CE and NHT) and how specific product in the region appealed to those travellers. They uploaded relevant
content about the priority EQ types to a website, and tagged products and experiences by EQ. Their focus was to educate the industry, in order to provide the best
experience in the region with the goal of extending the travellers time in the Miramichi. Explains Gaston:
"After asking a few simple questions, [industry] can then use this website
to customize recommendations to the guest."
In Sales and Partnerships
Although more challenging than for Marketing and Product Development, the Trade
and Media teams also look for ways EQ can inform their operations. EQ (combined with
PRIZM) is one of the tools the team uses to qualify journalists and media outlets in available
geographic markets. Margaret Mackenzie, Manager Media and Trade Sales, explains:
Thanks to ACTP and our Senior Research Analyst we are able to work with
PRIZM data to help identify media opportunities.
The media team pitches stories to outlets that match our EQ segments."
In TNB's Collaboration and Culture
TNB is working more collaboratively and with a greater focus thanks to EQ. Alignment with a
strong understanding of EQ types, marketing messaging, images and content has improved
and streamlined process within the Department. This has created a greater efficiency in
conducting business. TNB is pulling business insights based on one common research
platform informed by EQ and leveraging "EQ'd" content and assets across all channels,
improving alignment across activities and channels.
New Brunswick Department of Tourism and Parks
Jolly Breeze Tall Ship Adventures,
Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick
"Everyone in the Department - from the Minister down - can name
who our customer is, and what product we are selling."
Kim Matthews, Director of Marketing, Tourism Division,
Tourism New Brunswick
TNB's front-line staff have also been trained in understanding EQ types and how best to
host NB's guests. The organization developed an internal work book for all staff, and have
conducted training specifically for the visitor information center and call center staff to ensure customer service and style is consistent across all channels.
This case study is intended to illustrate the power of EQ, the CTC's award-winning market segmentation research, in a real-world application.
For other EQ case studies, or to learn more about how to apply EQ to your business, visit: https://www.destinationcanada.com/en/tools#explorerquotientView entire presentation