Investor Presentaiton
As indicated in the Remuneration
Committee Chairman's Annual Statement,
the remuneration policy takes into account
the provisions of the UK Corporate
Governance Code, despite boohoo not
being formally required to report the extent
of its compliance against the Code. The
Remuneration Committee believes that in the
vast majority of areas the remuneration policy
complies with the principles and provisions of
the Code. This has been enhanced through
proposed changes to the policy such as the
alignment of directors' pension provision
with the wider workforce with effect from
January 2023 and the introduction of post-
employment shareholding requirements.
The main point where the policy is not
currently fully compliant with the Code is
that certain share awards do not have a total
vesting and holding period of five years or
more. This applies to standard awards made
to the CFO and other senior executives
under the LTIP, and to the Management
Incentive Plan (MIP) structure introduced for
certain executive directors during 2020. In
both cases, awards vest subject to extremely
challenging performance conditions to be
met over a three-year period. Although
there are no formal post-vesting holding
periods in place for these awards, the
executive directors are obliged to comply
with shareholding requirements which have
recently been strengthened and which, as
noted above, will now apply for a period of
time following cessation of employment.
As such, the Committee believes that the
current structures are sufficiently long-term
in nature. It should also be noted that the
Growth Share Plan, introduced for the CEO
in 2019, has a five-year performance period
and is thus compliant with the Code.
The Committee has considered the principles
set out in Provision 40 of the Code and
believes that the policy sufficiently addresses
these principles, as set out below:
Alignment to culture
How it is addressed
The remuneration policy and its application are set out in detail in this Directors' Remuneration Report, providing
shareholders with full information on all elements of directors' pay and how the policy is set. The level of detail provided
has been extended this year to reflect the Committee's desire to report in line with best practice, and the vast majority
of the reporting requirements for Premium Listed companies have been adopted.
The Committee believes strongly that simple remuneration structures based around easily-understood performance
measures are likely to be the most effective in terms of incentivising outperformance. For example, the annual bonus
scheme rewards performance against a relatively small number of financial and (with effect from FY2022) non-
financial metrics. The Growth Share Plan (for the CEO) and the MIP (for the other executive directors) pay out
primarily due to the growth in the market capitalisation of boohoo and are not complicated through the use of metrics
such as relative Total Shareholder Return.
The remuneration policy is designed to be compatible with the group's risk policies and systems. The policy rewards
strong levels of growth in the business and has been instrumental in the group's success since admission. The
Committee has considered very carefully the current incentive structures in light of the issues raised during the course
of the financial
and has recognised the merits of making some enhancements. For example, participants in the
Growth Share Plan and the MIP have agreed that no awards will vest unless the Committee is satisfied that the Agenda
for Change programme has been successfully implemented over the performance period. This is intended to provide
additional reassurance that executives are directly focused on resolving the supply chain issues which have emerged and
not focused solely on growth without due recognition of wider stakeholder interests.
The extent of potential remuneration outcomes for directors is clear from the policy and implementation disclosures in
report. There is a limit on the size of annual bonus payments and awards under the standard LTIP. Although there
is a wide range of potential outcomes under the Growth Share Plan and MIP, both plans are capped in the sense that
individual participants cannot earn more than specified amounts.
The incentive schemes are designed to support our strategic growth programme as we strive to lead the fashion
e-commerce market globally. The schemes operate with ambitious targets which are closely aligned to the growth
aspirations of the business. There is no potential for rewards for failure or poor performance.
boohoo's fast-moving and performance-driven culture has been integral to its success and the incentive schemes have
been designed to reflect this approach. The changes to the remuneration policy as discussed in this report will also help
ensure that incentives take due account of the need for growth to be matched with a focus on the management of
stakeholder relationships which are critical to the long-term value of the brand.
The Remuneration Committee ('Committee')
is responsible for determining, on behalf of
the board, the group's pay philosophy and the
policy on the remuneration of the executive
directors, the Chairman and other senior
executives of the group.
The aim of the remuneration policy is to
ensure that high calibre senior executives are
provided with remuneration, which is designed
to promote the long-term success of the
group. The policy includes performance-
related elements, which are transparent,
stretching and rigorously applied so as to
enhanced performance and to
reward, in a fair and responsible manner,
individual contributions to the success of the
The remuneration policy is designed to
be compatible with risk policies and systems
and to be aligned with the group's long-term
strategic goals. The policy framework is
structured so as to adhere to the principles
of good corporate governance and has been
developed taking into account the principles
of the UK Corporate Governance Code and
the QCA Corporate Governance Code.
The performance-related variable pay
component makes up a significant proportion
of the overall package for senior executives
and is designed to incentivise the delivery
of the group's growth strategy and other
strategic and business objectives. The
interests of the executives are designed
to align with the interests of shareholders
through encouraging equity ownership and,
in support of this, awards under the group's
equity incentive plans are made where
When setting the remuneration policy for
executive directors, the Committee takes
into account the overall approach to reward
for, and the and employment conditions
of, other employees in the group, especially
when determining annual salary increases.
This process ensures that increase to
the of executive directors is set in an
appropriate context, especially relative to
increases proposed for other employees.
The Committee is also provided with periodic
updates on employee remuneration practices
and trends across the group.
The principle of encouraging our senior
executives to be shareholders in the business
is reflected across the group as a whole and
a key aim of the remuneration policy is to
encourage widespread equity ownership
across the whole employee base. In support
of this objective, we operate an HMRC-
approved Share Incentive Plan and an
approved SAYE option plan.
The Committee has not consulted directly
with employees in designing the remuneration
policy for the directors. However, in line with
the recommendation of the UK Corporate
Governance Code, the Committee intends
to engage with employees to explain how
executive remuneration aligns with wider
company pay policy.
The Committee pays close attention to
the views of shareholders when setting the
remuneration policy for executive directors.
This includes consideration of shareholder
voting on the Directors' Remuneration
Report resolution at each AGM, the
published guidelines of investors and their
representative bodies and individual feedback
received by the Committee. In recent
months, the Committee has also consulted
with major shareholders on the proposed
changes to the policy.
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