California Updates & ESG Initiatives
California Updates
2025 - 2027 GRC application filed with the California
Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on January 2, 2024
Proposes 3-year $540 million CapEx program
Addresses PFAS
Reduces operating expense and greenhouse gas emissions through solar
generation, energy storage systems to replace diesel generators, fleet
electrification, and advanced acoustic leak detection
Advances CPUC's Environmental and Social Justice Action Plan to Improve
access to high-quality water service, climate resiliency, and economic and
workforce development
Group Insurance Balancing Account
Captures difference between authorized and actual medical,
dental, and opt-out insurance costs
Effective January 1, 2024
Water Conservation
Memorandum Account and
Water Conservation Expense
Memorandum Account
Revenue and expense
protection mechanisms
requested due to water
wholesaler's ongoing 15%
conservation request
Reauthorized in October 2023
and retroactive to April 20, 2023
WCMA use reduces ROE 20
basis points
SJW Group 13View entire presentation