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Investor Presentaiton

Woolworths Group Full Year Results 2023 Strong operating cash flow to sustain the business and invest for growth $ MILLION EBITDA continuing operations EBITDA discontinued operations Group EBITDA F23 F22 CHANGE 5,577 5,052 10.4% 6,387 n.m. 5,577 11,439 (51.2)% Working capital and non-cash movements - continuing operations Working capital and non-cash movements - discontinued operations Cash from operating activities before interest and tax 439 (235) n.m. (6,387) n.m. 6,016 4,817 24.9% Interest paid - leases (542) (542) Net interest paid - non-leases Tax paid (133) (59) 125.4% (587) (838) (30.0)% Total cash provided by operating activities 4,754 3,378 Total cash used in investing activities (1,844) (2,457) 40.7% (24.9)% Cash flow before lease payments, dividends, share payments and proceeds from loans to related party 2,910 921 216.0% Repayment of lease liabilities (1,067) (1,019) 4.7% Dividends paid and payments for shares held in trust (1,141) (1,137) 0.3% Proceeds from loan to related party 1,712 n.m. Payments for share buy-backs Net cash flow (2,000) n.m. 702 (1,523) n.m. Cash realisation ratio (CRR) 113% 86%1 Woolworths Group 1 CRR in F22 adjusted for non-cash gain on demerger of Endeavour Group of $6,387m. F22 unadjusted CRR was 33% السلام واطقم Crowch Enough DOE ngantown Fam Todd pant Fab hankak Spa bay bucke anx anouch the от и сорости Prior year included Endeavour Group gain on demerger Working capital inflow in F23 driven by reduction in net investment in inventory. Prior year outflow due to stock build to better manage supply chain disruption and improve availability Operating cash flow increase due to strong EBITDA growth and working capital inflow Higher interest paid reflects higher floating interest rates and higher average net debt Lower tax paid, primarily reflecting lower taxable income in F22, paid in F23 Reduction compared to prior year due to sale of 5.5% of Endeavour Group in December offset by business acquisitions. Operating capex in line with prior year. Refer to slide 22 Strong CRR due to working capital inflows and lower cash tax paid 21
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