Investor Presentaiton
The material in this presentation was prepared by GPI S.p.A. ("GPI" or the "Company") without any
form of independent verification; it is general, basic information about the current business of GPI as
at the date of this presentation. This information is supplied in summary form and is not complete.
This presentation is provided for information only and is not an offer or solicitation of an offer of
purchase or sale of securities, nor shall there be any sale or purchase of securities in any jurisdiction
in which such an offer, solicitation or sale should be illegal before the registration or qualification in
accordance with the laws on securities of that jurisdiction. It is intended exclusively by way of a
presentation to investors and is provided for information only. This presentation does not contain all
information that may be relevant to an investor.
The information contained in this presentation, including the forecast financial information, must not
be considered as advice or recommendations to investors or potential investors in connection with
the holding, purchase or sale of securities or other products or financial instruments and does not
take into account any specific investment targets nor the financial position. Before acting, it is
important to consider the adequacy of information in relation to such subjects and, in particular,
independent financial advice should be taken. All securities and product transactions or financial
instruments entail risks, which include, amongst others, the risk of adverse or unforeseen market,
financial or political developments and, in international transactions, the foreign exchange risk. The
information contained in this presentation is confidential and is supplied to the user for information
only and cannot be reproduced, re-sent or further distributed to anyone else, nor published, entirely
or partly, for any purpose. This presentation is only distributed to and intended for: (A) persons in the
European Economic Area Member States (excluding the United Kingdom), who are classed as
"qualified investors" under Article 2, paragraph 1, letter e) of Directive 2003/71/EC (as amended and
complete with any implementing measures applicable in each Member State); (B) in the United
Kingdom, professional investment qualified investors coming under Article 19 (5) of the 2005 Order
(financial promotion), the Order of Financial Services and markets and/or companies with high
shareholders' equity and other persons to whom it can be lawfully disclosed, pursuant to Article 49,
paragraph 2, letters a) to d) of the Order; and (C) other persons to whom this presentation can be
legally distributed and disclosed in accordance with applicable laws (all those pursuant to points (A)
to (C) above, indicated as "relevant persons").
The information contained in this presentation may include forecasts. Although the Company
believes it has a reasonable basis on which to make the forecasts given in this presentation, GPI
warns that forecasts are no guarantee of future performance and that the effective operating results,
financial conditions and conditions of liquidity and development of the segment in which GPI
operates may differ considerably from those effectively achieved or suggested by the declarations
given in this presentation or made by the GPI management team. Past performance is also not a
reliable indication of future performance.
GPI makes no promise to update or publicly review the forecasts, even if new information is revealed
or for any other reason. The information and opinions given in this presentation or in the
declarations made by the GPI management team are given as at the date of this presentation or any
other date, if indicated, and are subject to change without notice. Do not rely on the information
given in this presentation for any purpose. No express or implicit declaration or guarantee is given by
GPI, its subsidiaries or the respective consultants, functionaries, employees and agents, as regards
the accuracy of information or opinions or for any loss as may derive directly or indirectly from any
use of this presentation or its contents. This presentation is not intended for distribution or use by
any person or entity that is a citizen or resident of a place, country or other jurisdiction in which such
distribution, publication, availability or use may be in conflict with laws or regulations or which would
require any registration or licence within such jurisdiction.
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