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Investor Presentaiton

26 Investment guide Armenia Income Tax rates: I. The Income Tax rates on wages and salaries are: Monthly Taxable Income Up to AMD 120,000 From AMD 120,000 to AMD 2,000,000 Over AMD 2,000,000 Income Tax Rate 24.4% AMD 29,280 + 26% of the amount exceeding AMD 120,000 AMD 518,080 + 36% of the amount exceeding AMD 2,000,000 II. The income tax rates on income not taxed by tax agent are: Annual Taxable Income Up to AMD 1,440,000 Over AMD 1,440,000 Income Tax Rate 24.4% AMD 351,360 + 26% of the amount exceeding AMD 1,440,000 III. Tax rates on some types of income received by foreign citizens are: Type of Income Dividends Rate 0% Insurance reimbursements and income from transportation (freight) Royalties, interests, lease payments, increase in the value of property and other passive income, as well as other income received from Armenian sources 5% 10% IV. Tax rates on passive income are: Type of Income Royalties, rental income, income from the sale of property, interest income (In case the annual income received from rent exceeds AMD 58.35 mln. the individuals are subject to additional 10 % income tax on amount exceeding the threshold without considering any deductions, including taxes paid by the tax agent.) Rate 10% KPMG 2016 KPMG Armenia cjsc,. All rights reserved.
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