Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

| Partnership Program | Pregnancy Program Our officers and some of our employees are also eligible for share-based long-term compensation incentive plans under which they have the opportunity to become shareholders of our company. We seek to ensure fair compensation competitiveness to ensure greater alignment of the interests of the beneficiaries and those of the shareholders. We aspire to maximize the commitment to sustainable results, share the creation of value and the risks inherent to the business and the capital market. Among the benefits offered, we aim to ensure internal equity, competitiveness within the market, and always respect the determinations of the collective labor agreements (CLAS). We offer a private pension plan, extended maternity leave of up to 180 days, and paternity leave of up to 20 days. During the year, we recorded a retention rate of 92% among employees who took leave and, after returning, remained in our workforce for 12 months. Starting in August, we also extended health and dental plan benefits to interns and apprentices, and expanded our efforts on promoting health and well-being. [GRI 401-2 | 401-3] We offer pregnant employees a support and follow-up program, both during pregnancy and during the first months of the baby's life. This service is provided by specialized health professionals who communicate through telephone or e-mail. Their job is to monitor and provide guidance on the pregnant woman's vaccination schedule and preventive actions; follow up on laboratory and imaging test results such as obstetric ultrasounds; answer general questions; provide advice on nutrition during pregnancy and postpartum; encourage breastfeeding during the first six months after birth, and provide support during weaning upon returning to work. The program is free of charge and employs a team of doctors, nurses, and psychologists while respecting medical confidentiality. In 2020, 11 pregnant employees were able to enjoy this program. eneva Env ENEV3 R$ 17.90 (+0.06%) Corporate Governance Financial information Information to the Market Services Png Q R$ 18.15 OPEN: R$ 18.00 MASS RS 79.08 40 MARS 17.83 79,430.427 MS 11.37 SHARES: 449400 Period 1m 3m 6m YTD 1y All 01.01 91109 BUSE - from 24, 2018 74 Feb 5221 0541 TUBI www çš„ æ–™ Line Bac Area 1 month 6 months 3 years Quotes and History BEN PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Presentation PVC APPENDICES Detailed information on retention after maternity and paternity leave ABOUT LETTER FROM ABOUT FIGHTING THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED HUMAN NATURAL CAPITAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 80
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