Downstream TNK BP Integration Synergies slide image

Downstream TNK BP Integration Synergies

Downstream TNK BP integration synergies will come from all the segments Refining Harmonization of refineries investment program (greenfield development plans review, optimization of planned units capacities) Optimization of existing units loads G&A expenses reduction through centralization and unification Procurement unification "Best of both" principle effect (turnarounds, benchmarking, energy efficiency, etc) Trading and Logistics Combined sales flows optimization to the most profitable channels Diversification and increased number of alternatives in trading (increased optionality) New scale and cover advantage (East and West routes, international) Sizeable player on the global market РОСНЕФТЬ THK-BP THK bp Retail Logistics and supply chain optimization (e.g. lower third party purchasing, netting of flows) Higher utilization of logistics facilities (depots, trucks) G&A expenses reduction due to centralization and unification of standards (including IT platforms, marketing spend, category management, etc.) B2B Network expansion of Jet "In Wing" business Bunkering fuel supply optimization Increase of bitumen sales through "Best of Both" channels (focusing on regions of high demand - Moscow, South) 11
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