Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

CLIMB 15 How it works. STANDARD SAVINGS LOAN TERMS The customer enters into a "loan" agreement for say $2,500. We add a set-up fee of $200, for a total principal outstanding of $2,700 The customer sends us a monthly payment on an amortizing scale at 8.99% interest Once the customer has paid us the $2,700 plus interest, we give him $2,500 He now has a much-improved credit score and cash that can be put towards a goal WE OFFER 2-5 YEAR TERM LOANS ANNUAL INTEREST RATE: 8.99% SET UP FEE: $150-$250 (INCLUDED IN LOAN AMOUNT) APR 12% 23% - AVERAGE SIZE: $2,500 PRINCIPAL + $200 SET UP FEE PAY PER USE FEES SUCH AS CHANGE PAYMENT DATE OR DRAW DOWN FEES 1 SET UP Set up the savings loan amount based on budget and early repayment goal 2 MAKE PRE-AUTH PAYMENTS Payments are reported to both TransUnion AND Equifax. Positive payment history can increase credit 3 score CASH OUT TO PAY CP OFF EARLY Access equity when you need it (eg an unplanned expense). A minimal fee is charged to draw down the account early
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