Operational Excellence and Sustainability slide image

Operational Excellence and Sustainability

A Portfolio with Market Leading Position and Strong Prospects HINDUSTAN ZINC Zinc & Silver of India PSP11811 93. 2816 KILOS 38 947 Refined Silver ■ Portfolio: 1 kg Silver bars, Silver powder and Silver nitrate ☐ 647 MT production ■ * 4,206 Crore of revenue Outlook and growth drivers ■ FY 2022-23E prices: US$ 21-25 band as demand rises led by war, trade implications and weak world economy ■India remains a strong market: 3rd largest physical investment market; emergence of Amazon and Flipkart as an alternate buying destination; digital silver and silver ETFs gaining popularity post SEBI approval Confidential Sensitivity: Public (C4) ->>>>>> SAFE SMART D SUSTAINABLE 9
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