National Economic Recovery Program Update slide image

National Economic Recovery Program Update

GLOBAL MANUFACTURE ACTIVITIES HAVE CONTRACTED TO THE LOWEST LEVEL IN 30 MONTHS Indonesia PMI Manufacture continues to expand amid contractions in major economies such as US, Europe, China, and Japan PMI MANUFAKTUR AS OF DECEMBER 2022 G20 & ASEAN-6 PMI Manufacture Global ASEAN-5 Major Economies 65 65 65 IND 57.8 SAU 56.9 Agt India 57.8 PHIL 53.1 50.3 55 Dec 55 RUS 53.0 Philippines 53.1 Indonesia 50.9 55 48.6 THA 52.5 Thailand 52.5 Vietnam 46.4 MEX 51.3 45 45 45 Malaysia 47.8 45 55 IDN 50.9 Russia 53.0 Japan 48,9 US 46.2 CHina49.0 S Korea 48.2 Europe 47.8 AUS | 50.2 CAN 49.2 35 35 35 FRA 49.2 CHN 49.0 JPN 48.9 25 25 ITA 48.5 Dec-20 Aug-21 Apr-22 Dec-22 Dec-20 Jun-21 Dec-21 Jun-22 KOR 48.2 TUR 48.1 EUR 47.8 MYS 47.8 GER 47.1 VIE 46.4 USA 46.2 GBR 45.3 BRA 44.2 = 50 expansionary threshold G20 and ASEAN-6 PMI Manufacture performance distribution in December 2022 (minus ZAF, ARG, Expand - Accelerate (PMI above the 50 threshold or in an expansionary level & higher than previous month) 22.7% Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, Filipina, India 25 Dec-20 Jun-21 Dec-21 Jun-22 Expand - Slowing (PMI above the 50 threshold or in an expansionary level but lower than previous month) 13.6% Australia, Russia, Saudi Arabia Dec-22 Contracted (PMI below the 50 threshold or in a contractionary level) 63.6% US, Europe, UK, Germany, Italia, France, S Korea, Japan, China, Brazil, Malaysia, Vietnam, Turkey, etc. Dec-22 Source: Bloomberg, IHS Markit
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