Investor Presentaiton
Principle 1
Principle 2
Principles for Responsible Banking continued
Reporting and self-assessment requirements
Barclays PLC
Principle 3
Principle 4
Principle 5
Principle 6
High-level summary of bank's response
(limited assurance required for responses to highlighted items)
Our climate strategy
Addressing climate change is an urgent and complex challenge. It requires a fundamental transformation of the global economy,
so that society stops adding to the total amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
The financial sector has a critical role to play in supporting the economy to reach this goal. It is estimated that at least $3-5 trillion*
of additional investment will be needed each year, for the next 30 years, in order to finance the transition.
At Barclays, we are determined to play our part.
In March 2020, we announced our ambition to be a net zero bank by 2050, becoming one of the first banks to do so.
1. Achieving net zero operations: Barclays is working to achieve net zero operations and supply chain emissions, investing in the
continued decarbonisation of our operations and in the development of a net zero pathway for emissions from our supply chain.
2. Reducing our financed emissions: Barclays is committed to aligning its financing with the goals and timelines of the Paris
3. Financing the transition: Barclays is providing the green and sustainable finance required to transform the economies we serve.
Our strategy is underpinned by the way we assess and manage our exposure to climate-related risk. Climate Risk is a Principal Risk
under Barclays' Enterprise Risk Management Framework. The elevation of climate risk to Principal Risk recognises that it is relevant
and material enough to merit establishing a specific bank-wide Framework, in line with other Principal Risks. The Barclays PLC
Climate-related Financial Disclosures 2021 reports on our approach to strategy, governance, and risk management and the metrics
and targets we employ.
Say on Climate
In line with our commitment to offer shareholders a 'Say on Climate, we will be publishing an update on our climate strategy, targets
and methodology in advance of the 2022 Annual General Meeting. This will include 2030 targets for two new sectors, Cement and
Metals (Steel).
*$3-5 trillion as estimated in the GFMA/BCG (Global Financial Markets Association/Boston Consulting Group) Climate Finance Markets and the Real Economy
report, December 2020.
Links to bank's full response/
relevant information
PRB Reporting and self-assessment 2021View entire presentation