Investor Presentaiton
Even with 'Capital Efficient' Assets, Many Life Insurers Are Reliant on 'Soft' Capital
Industry Capital Models Often Give Capital Benefits for Diversification
Illustrative Liability Capital Diversification Benefits
Insurer 1 Insurer 2 Insurer 3 Insurer 4 Insurer 5 Insurer 6 Insurer 7 Insurer 8 Insurer 9 Insurer 10 Insurer 11 Insurer 12 Insurer 13 Insurer 14 Insurer 15 Insurer 16
12% average
Hard Capital
Soft Capital
Can be used to pay for actual losses, including
asset impairments
Required capital benefits from assumed
'diversification' into riskier liabilities
Equity raised from third parties
Some types of 'redundant' reserve financing
Note: Liability mix calculated using US regulatory fillings as of December 31, 2022. The information provided herein is based on the views and opinions of Apollo Analysts.
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