Workforce Challenges & DDS Waiver Services Analysis
Individual Directed Goods & Services Definitions (2 of 5)
Maryland Individual and Family Directed Goods and Services (IFDGS)
IFDGS are services, equipment, or supplies that enable the participant to maintain or increase independence and promote opportunities for the participant to live in and be included in the
community, relate to a participant's need or goal identified in the participant's Person-Centered Plan, and are not available under the Waiver program or Maryland Medicaid Program.
IFDGS are services, equipment, or supplies for self-directing participants that: 1. Relate to a need or goal identified in the Person-Centered Plan; 2. Maintain or increase independence; 3.
Promote opportunities for community living and inclusion; and 4. Are not available under a waiver service or State Plan services.
C. IFDGS includes dedicated funding up to $500 that participants may choose to use for costs associated with staff recruitment and advertisement efforts such as developing and printing
flyers and using staffing registries.
IFDGS decrease the need for Medicaid services, increase community integration, increase the participant's safety in the home, or support the family in the continued provision of care to
the participant.
The goods and services only include: 1. Fitness memberships; 2. Fitness items that can be purchased at most retail stores; 3. Toothbrushes or electric toothbrushes; 4. Weight loss
program services other than food; 5. Dental services recommended by a licensed dentist and not covered by health insurance; 6. Nutritional consultation and supplements recommended
by a professional licensed in the relevant field; and 7. Other goods and services that meet the service requirements under A. through D.
Experimental or prohibited goods and treatments are excluded.
G. IFDGS do not include services, goods, or items: 1. That have no benefit to the participant; 2. Otherwise covered by the waiver or the Medicaid State Plan Services; 3. Additional units or
costs beyond the maximum allowable for any waiver service or Medicaid State Plan, with the exception of a second wheelchair; 4. Co-payment for medical services, over-the-counter
medications, or homeopathic services; 5. Items used solely for entertainment or recreational purposes, such as televisions, video recorders, game stations, DVD player, and monthly cable
fees; 6. Monthly telephone fees; 7. Room & board, including deposits, rent, and mortgage expenses and payments; 8. Food; 9. Utility charges; 10. Fees associated with
telecommunications; 11. Tobacco products, alcohol, marijuana, or illegal drugs; 12. Vacation expenses; 13. Insurance; vehicle maintenance or any other transportation-related expenses;
14. Tickets and related cost to attend recreational events; 15. Personal trainers; spa treatments; 16. Goods or services with costs that significantly exceed community norms for the same
or similar good or service; 17. Tuition including post-secondary credit and noncredit courses; educational services otherwise available through a program funded under the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including private tuition, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in schools, school supplies, tutors, and home schooling activities and supplies; 18. Staff
bonuses and housing subsidies; 19. Subscriptions; 20. Training provided to paid caregivers; 21. Services in hospitals; 22. Costs of travel, meals, and overnight lodging for staff, families,
and natural support network members to attend a training event or conference; 23. Service animals and associated costs; or 24. Therapeutic interventions to maintain or improve function
including art, music, dance, and therapeutic swimming or horseback riding with recommendation from a licensed professional in the relevant field.
IFDGS are limited to $5,500 per year from the total self-directed budget of which $500 is dedicated to support staff recruitment efforts such as developing and printing flyers and using
staffing registries.View entire presentation