Investor Presentaiton
55 Cargill 2020 Annual Report
Within the strategy to fight climate change, we have established
the objective of reducing emissions arising from technology,
expand the use of renewable energy and increase energy
efficiency at all our operations.
Our facilities have an energy plan in which initiatives and proj-
ects are updated annually. For this, the factories hold PISW
(Project Identification & Selection Workshop) sessions to iden-
tify energy efficiency opportunities with the purpose of reduc-
ing steam, electricity and fuel consumption.
One project that stood out in 2020 was obtaining the Leed cer-
tification for the Freight Transshipment Stations (ETC - Estação
de Transbordo de Carga) of Miritituba/PA, the first terminal
to obtain it in Latin America. The Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (Leed) is an initiative to give incentive
to sustainable practices in the construction area. This facility
was also evaluated on sustainability issues including location
and transportation, space, water use efficiency, materials and
resources, innovation and processes.
Expand the use of renewable energy
and increase the energy efficiency
at our operations are some of the
objectives of our strategy to fight
climate change
Waste GRI 306-2, 306-4
Globally, Cargill adopts the same requirements, procedures
and guidelines for waste management, as well as comply
with local legislation. Our standards are contained in the
company's Environmental Waste Program, mandatory for all
our facilities. With these standards we want to demonstrate
that environmentally correct disposal is part of the produc-
tive efficiency we seek.
One of the procedures determines to minimize waste gen-
eration in productive processes. To meet this objective,
between 2019 and 2020, we developed a new partnership
in Brazil to deal with soy waste. Previously sent to compost-
ing, this waste has gained a more valuable destination as
biomass in cement furnaces. Four of our grain processing
plants have adopted this practice.
Hazardous waste transportation and destination receives
a specific approach in this program. We follow a prior qual-
ification process of service providers prior to contracting.
This qualification consists of document analysis, on prem-
ise visits, done by the EHS team, and diligence conducted
by the Procurement team. After contracting, the program
establishes periodic on-site audits and revision of service
provider documentation.
In Brazil, besides this program, we also follow the provisions
of the National Policy on Solid Waste. See the data on waste
treatment in the Attachments, page 75.
Cooking oil
and circular economy
In line with Cargill's purpose of feeding the world in a safe,
responsible and sustainable manner, we analyzed our
impacts during all phases of the productive process and
launched in 2011 a program to offer an alternative for con-
sumers to correctly dispose of frying oil waste.
In our program Ação Renove o Meio Ambiente (Renew the
Environment Action), we offer consumers a practical and sus-
tainable way of disposing of spent frying oil in an environmen-
tally-friendly fashion, by transforming it into raw material for the
production of new products such as biodiesel. With this, Cargill
articulated a complete chain so that this material would not be
disposed of incorrectly, establishing partnerships, providing
voluntary delivery points, stimulating growth and improving
companies that collect spent vegetable oil. Year after year, the
program breaks oil collection records, result of the measures
we have adopted:
Partnership articulation - The need to create oil receiv-
ing outlets motivated Cargill to seek support within its own
value chain. The articulation with retail chains, restaurant
chains, city halls, NGOs shopping malls, public institutions,
companies and startups contributed to expand the program
outreach and, therefore, engaged stakeholders in this envi-
ronmental preservation movement.
Reverse logistics expansion - This Cargill program
extended its Liza line recycling process to packaging. It
reduced the use of plastic in bottles and replaced cardboard
with green plastic. With these innovations, the Liza packag-
ing has become 100% recyclable.View entire presentation