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Investor Presentaiton

AIG's capital position remains strong at the holding company and principal insurance companies Capital Structure ($B) $90.8 $86.1 Hybrids $1.5 $1.5 Year / Quarter End Life and Retirement Companies Risk Based Capital (RBC) Ratios² General Insurance Companies ■Financial Debt¹ $21.8 $21.4 $1.3 $1.8 ■Credit Facility $1.7 $5.0 drawdown 2018 389% (CAL) 394% (ACL) $9.0 $0.5 $8.5 $0.5 ■NCI AOCI Total Equity: $67.4 $51.2 Total Equity:- $61.8 $52.1 ■Preferred Equity 2019 402% (CAL) 419% (ACL) ■Tax attribute DTA ■Adjusted S/E $(1.0) 1Q20E3 405% -415% (CAL) 415%-420% (ACL) December 31, 2019 March 31, 2020 Dec. 31, Mar. 31, Ratios: 2019 2020 Pending finalization of Statutory financials Credit Ratings5 Hybrids / Total capital 1.7% 1.8% Financial debt / Total capital 24.0% 24.9% S&P Moody's Fitch A.M. Best Syndicated credit facility4 Total Hybrids & Financial debt / Total capital 25.7% 1.5% 28.2% AIG - Senior Debt BBB+ Baa1 BBB+ NR Preferred stock / Total capital 0.5% 0.6% General Insurance - FSR A+ A2 A A Total debt and preferred stock / Total capital 26.2% 28.8% Total debt and preferred stock/ Life and 27.8% 28.4% A+ A2 A+ A Retirement - FSR Total capital (ex. AOCI) AIG 1) Includes AIG notes, bonds, loans and mortgages payable, AIG Life Holdings, Inc. (AIGLH) notes and bonds payable and junior subordinated debt, and Validus notes and bonds payable. 2) The inclusion of RBC measures is intended solely for the information of investors and is not intended for the purpose of ranking any insurance company or for use in connection with any marketing, advertising or promotional activities. ACL is defined as Authorized Control Level and CAL is defined as Company Action Level. RBC ratio for Domestic Life and Retirement companies excludes holding company, AGC Life Insurance Company. 2018 RBC ratio for Life and Retirement reflects the impact of tax reform. 3) Preliminary range subject to change with completion of statutory closing process 4) Borrowings under credit facility represents the $1.3B AIG borrowed under its $4.5B revolving syndicated credit facility on March 20, 2020. 5) As of the date of this presentation, S&P, Moody's, Fitch and A.M. Best have Stable outlooks. For General Insurance companies FSR and Life and Retirement companies FSR, ratings only reflect those of the core insurance companies. 9
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