Wholesale Banking - Positioned for Growth slide image

Wholesale Banking - Positioned for Growth

Robust Liquidity Management Liquidity Risk Management Framework Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) 140% Target a 90-day survival horizon under a combined Bank-specific and market-wide stress scenario, and a minimum buffer over regulatory 141% 144% 120% 133% 130% 100% 80% requirements. Manage to a stable funding profile that emphasizes funding assets and contingencies to the appropriate term. ■ We maintain a comprehensive contingency funding plan to enhance preparedness for recovery from potential liquidity stress events ■ TD holds a variety of liquid assets commensurate with liquidity needs in the organization. The average eligible HQLA¹ of the Bank for LCR reporting at the quarter ended October 31, 2023, was $325 billion (July 31, 2023 - $324 billion), with Level 1 assets representing 82% (July 31, 2023 - 83%). ■ The Bank's NSFR for the quarter ended October 31, 2023 was at 117%. TD Q2'23 Q1'23 Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) Q3'23 Q4'23 -Regulatory Minimum Q4'23 Average HQLA (CAD $B) 82% I I 18% Level 1 Cash & Central Bank Reserve Level 2A Sovereign Issued/Guaranteed Level 1 Sovereign Issued/ Guaranteed ☐ Level 2A PSES, Corp bonds, Municipals " Level 1 MDBs, PSES, Provincials ☐ Level 2B Equities, Sovereigns, RMBS I I I Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) I 140% 120% 125% 122% 117% 117% 100% I 80% I Q1'23 Q2'23 Q3'23 Q4'23 Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) - Regulatory Minimum I Prudent liquidity management commensurate with risk appetite 43
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