BMW AGM 2022
Approximately 38% of the variable target remuneration for vesting year 2021 was linked to environmental, social or
governance targets (ESG-targets). The share of the actual variable remuneration for vesting year 2021 linked to ESG-
targets amounts to approximately 27%.1 This is due to the high level of achievement with respect to the financial targets.
The share of the long-term share-based remuneration (SbR; personal cash investment amount) amounts to
approximately 52% of the total variable remuneration for vesting year 2021.
Based on the share ownership guidelines the personal cash investment amount has to be used by the board members to
acquire BMW shares with a minimum holding period of four years.
The remuneration granted for the financial year 2021 as set out in the remuneration report includes, according to the
requirements of § 162 AktG, the performance cash plan 2019-2021 and the share-based remuneration component
(matching component) 2016, which are variable remuneration components granted for earlier vesting years (2016,
The Supervisory Board did not see a reason to withhold the payment of variable remuneration (malus) or to make use of
clawback rules regarding variable remuneration already paid.
In accordance with the articles of association, the remuneration of the supervisory board members consists of a fixed
remuneration only.
1 Statements on the relative proportion of remuneration components relate to remuneration for the vesting year 2021, unless otherwise noted.
BMW - Annual General Meeting 2022 - Investor presentation | April 2022
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