Consistent Earnings Growth and Digital Engagement
43. U.S. Retail NIM is calculated by dividing segment's net interest income by average interest-earning assets excluding the impact related to deposit
sweep arrangements and the impact of intercompany deposits and cash collateral, which management believes better reflects segment
performance. In addition, the value of tax-exempt interest income is adjusted to its equivalent before-tax value. Net interest income and average
interest-earning assets used in the calculation of this metric are non-GAAP financial measures.
44. Adjusted non-interest expenses exclude the acquisition and integration-related charges for the First Horizon acquisition - Q4 2022: $67 million
US$50 million ($51 million or US$37 million after-tax), Q3 2022: $29 million or US$22 million ($22 million or US$17 million after-tax)
45. Includes net interest income TEB of $407 million, and trading income of $153 million. Trading-related revenue (TEB) is a non-GAAP financial
measure, which is not a defined term under IFRS and, therefore, may not be comparable to similar terms used by other issuers.
46. Capital and liquidity measures on slide 25 are calculated in accordance with OSFI's Capital Adequacy Requirements, Leverage Requirements,
and Liquidity Adequacy Requirements guidelines.
47. FX impact on RWA has a negligible impact on the CET 1 ratio, because the CET 1 ratio is currency hedged.
48. "Other" represents the impact of unrealized losses on FVOCI securities, partially offset by a decrease in the threshold deduction. Both impacts
are mainly due to TD's share of Schwab's AOCI
49. U.S. HELOC includes Home Equity Lines of Credit and Home Equity Loans.
50. Includes acquired credit impaired loans and loans booked in the Corporate segment.
51. Includes loans measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.
52. Includes acquired credit impaired (ACI) loans. Q4'21 has been restated to include ACI loans.
53. PCL Ratio: Provision for Credit Losses on a quarterly annualized basis/Average Net Loans & Acceptances.
54. Net U.S. Retail PCL ratio excludes credit losses associated with the retailer program partners' share of the U.S. Strategic Cards Portfolio, which
is recorded in the Corporate Segment.
55. Gross U.S. Retail & Corporate PCL ratio includes the retailer program partners' share of the U.S. Strategic Cards Portfolio, which is recorded in
the Corporate Segment.
56. Coverage Ratio: Total allowance for credit losses as a % of gross loans and acceptances.
57. U.S. Strategic Cards Partners' Share represents the retailer program partners' share of the U.S. Strategic Cards Portfolio ACL.
58. Consumer instalment and other personal includes the HELOC, Indirect Auto and Other Personal portfolios.
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