FY2023 M25+ Progress: Enhancing Digital Banking slide image

FY2023 M25+ Progress: Enhancing Digital Banking

P&L Summary: 1Q FY2023 (YoY) RM million 1Q FY2023 1Q FY2022 (Restated) 4Q YOY FY2022 (Not Restated) QoQ Net fund based income * Non-interest income * Net operating income Overhead expenses Personnel Costs Establishment Costs 4,796.7 4,893.9 (2.0)% 5,311.5 (9.7)% 1,527.6 1,358.8 12.4% 1,585.6 (3.7)% 6,324.3 6,252.7 1.1% 6,897.1 (8.3)% (3,052.2) (2,730.0) 11.8% (3,407.2) (10.4)% (1,783.0) (1,623.1) 9.9% (2,036.6) (12.4)% (507.0) (434.3) 16.7% (509.3) (0.5)% Marketing Expenses (113.9) (79.3) 43.8% (227.9) (50.0)% Administration & General Expenses (648.2) (593.3) 9.2% (633.4) 2.3% Pre-provisioning operating profit (PPOP) 1 3,272.1 3,522.7 (7.1)% 3,489.9 (6.2)% Net impairment losses (292.9) (597.1) (50.9)% (191.0) 53.4% Operating profit 2,979.3 2,925.7 1.8% 3,298.9 (9.7)% Profit before taxation and zakat (PBT) 3,055.8 2,975.2 2.7% 3,307.1 (7.6)% Net Profit 2 2,265.4 2,046.9 10.7% 2,167.3 4.5% EPS Basic (sen) 18.8 17.2 9.1% 18.0 4.5% Restated 1QFY2022 comparative information as MFRS 17 has replaced MFRS 4 Insurance Contracts for annual periods on or after 1 January 2023. Note: * From consolidated 1Q FY2023 Group numbers, Insurance and Takaful accounts for 12.7% of net fund based income and (6.6)% of non-interest income 1 Pre-provisioning operating profit (PPOP) is equivalent to operating profit before impairment losses 2 Net Profit is equivalent to profit attributable to equity holders of the Bank 18
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