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Investor Presentaiton

Reconciliation for non-GAAP Financial Measures All Bank: Risk Adjusted Margin ($ millions) Average total assets¹ Less: Non-earning assets Average total earning assets¹ Less: All-Bank Q1/22 Q2/22 Q3/22 Q4/22 Q1/23 1,238,616 1,264,193 1,295,165 1,332,897 1,380,008 94,165 102,901 111,324 126,213 118,465 1,144,451 1,161,292 1,183,841 1,206,684 1,261,543 Trading Assets Securities purchased under resale agreements and securities borrowed Other deductions Average core earning assets¹ Net Interest Income 4,344 4,676 162,885 144,501 128,890 117,807 119,974 131,102 127,255 146,002 157,438 174,942 58,030 59,618 62,710 69,343 70,779 792,434 829,918 846,239 862,096 895,848 4,473 4,622 4,569 Less: Non-core net interest income 23 (33) (53) (122) (205) Provision for credit losses 222 219 412 529 638 Risk Adjusted Net interest income on core earning assets 4,099 4,287 4,317 4,215 4,136 Risk Adjusted Margin 2.05% 2.12% 2.02% 1.94% 1.83% 1 Average balances represents the average of daily balance for the period 42
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