Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting Presentation slide image

Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting Presentation

EXHIBIT III - CONSOLIDATED BYLAWS § 1° The right to attend the Company's General Meetings and exercise therein all prerogatives conferred upon the shares represented by the Units, upon confirmation of ownership, is exclusively incumbent upon the holder of the Units. The holder of the Unit can be represented at the Company's General Meetings by an attorney appointed as set forth in article 6, Paragraph 2 hereof. § 2º. In the event of split, reverse split, bonus or issuance of new shares upon capitalization of profits or reserves, the following rules relating to the Units shall be observed: (i) In the event of an increase in the quantity of shares issued by the Company, the depositary financial institution shall register the deposit of the new shares and shall credit new Units to the account of the respective holders, so as to reflect the new number of shares held by the Unit holders, in all cases respecting the proportion of one (1) common share and one (1) preferred share issued by the Company for each Unit, while those shares for which Units are not be issued shall be credited directly to the shareholders, without issuing Units. (ii) In the event of a reduction in the quantity of shares issued by the Company, the depositary financial institution shall debit the Unit deposit account of the holders of the grouped shares, automatically canceling Units in a sufficient number to reflect the new number of shares held by Unit holders, in all cases respecting the proportion of one (1) common share and one (1) preferred share issued by the Company for each Unit, while any remaining shares for which Units are not to be issued shall be delivered directly to the shareholders, without issuing Units. Art. 54. In the event of the exercise of preemptive rights to subscribe shares issued by the Company, as the case may be, the depositary financial institution shall create new Units in the register of book-form Units and shall credit those Units to the respective holders, so as to reflect the new quantity of preferred shares and common shares issued by the Company and deposited in the underlying Unit deposit account, in all cases respecting the proportion of one (1) common share and one (1) preferred share issued by the Company to each Unit, while those shares for which Units are not to be constituted shall be credited directly to the shareholders without issuing Units. In the event of the exercise of the preemptive right to subscribe other securities issued by the company, there shall be no automatic credit of Units. Art. 55. The holders of Units shall be entitled to receive shares arising from splits, mergers and amalgamations involving the Company. In any event, the Units shall always be created or canceled, as the case may be, in the register of book-form Units on behalf of the BM&FBOVESPA, as the respective fiduciary owner, who shall credit them to the custody accounts of the respective holders of the Units. In cases where shares are allocated to Unit holders, and such shares are not subject to the creation of new Units, these shares shall be deposited with the BM&FBOVESPA, in its capacity of fiduciary owner of the Units, which will credit them to the custody accounts of the respective holders. TITLE XIV GENERAL AND TRANSITORY PROVISIONS Art. 56. In cases not covered in these Bylaws, there shall be recourse to the principles of right, and to the laws, decrees, resolutions and other acts enacted by the competent authorities. *** 39
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