Earnings Presentation Q3 2022 slide image

Earnings Presentation Q3 2022

Strategic Transition Plan - Financials We are sustainable and profitable. Will eliminate our scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2050 while executing our plan and achieving these results. $350mn average CAPEX until 2035, totaling $5 bn. ROACE will remain above 25% creating ~$9bn total CF until 2035 With ample CF, Net Debt/ EBITDA will be below <2.0x Will remain a high dividend payer, average ~80% dividend pay-out ~$5bn > 25% ~$9 bn USD <1.5x ~80% TOTAL CAPEX ROACE TOTAL CF NET DEBT/EBITDA AVG. DIVIDEND PAYOUT Oct-22 Strategy www.tupras.com.tr Investor Presentation 42
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