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Investor Presentaiton

Materiais Topic x SASB Health Care Delivery RDSL MATERIAL TOPIC SASB TOPIC Integrity and Anti-Corruption Patient Privacy SASB CODE HC-DY-230a.2 HC-DY-230a.3 GRI CONTENT INDEX PAGE ACCOUNTING METRIC Description of policies and practices to secure customers' protected health information (PHI) records and other personally identifiable information (PII). Number of data breaches. 59 59 HC-DY-230a.4 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with data security and privacy. 59 Energy Energy Management HC-DY-130a.1 Total energy consumed. Percentage grid electricity. Percentage renewable. Total amount of medical waste. Percentage incinerated. Waste Waste Management HC-DY-150a.1 Percentage recycled or treated. 189 189 189 200 200 200 Percentage landfilled. 200 Climate Change Climate Change Impacts on Human Health & Infrastructure HC-DY-450a.1 Description of policies and practices to address: (1) the physical risks due to na increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and (2) changes in the morbidity and mortality rates of illnesses and diseases, associated with climate change. 195 Turnover rate for non-physician health care practitioners. 132 Development & Retention Employee Recruitment, Development & Retention HC-DY-330a.1 Turnover rate for all other employees. Occupational Health and Safety Quality of Care & Patient Satisfaction HC-DY-320a.1 Total recordable incident rate (TRIR). 217 REDE D'OR SÃO LUIZ | Annual Sustainability Report 2021 132 141 218
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