Golden Zone Project Investment Overview
Golden Zone | Copper King/Long Creek Area
3 km long Au-Cu-Ag Mineralization System: Spatial proximity with Stockworked Granite
Replacement Mineralization with high grade Au + Cu mineralization
in sediments, including 3.0 m @ 16.08 g/t Au, 50.6 g/t Ag, 0.78%
Cu (calcareous conglomerate) and 9.1 m @ 8.71 g/t Au, 80.8 g/t
Ag, 3.57% Cu (skarn)
Replacement mineralization similar to MEZ style mineralization
Copper King
Long Creek
S Long Creek
Looking Southeast
Chalcopyrite replacing
sericite altered conglomerate
Semi-massive sulphides
7.62 m @ 4.94 g/t Au, 76.7 g/t
Ag, 3.52% Cu
Stockwork in granite
Adjacent mineralization of 4.8
g/t Au, 106 g/t Ag, 1.4% Cu
Disseminated molybdenite found in the quartz eye granite
with chalcopyrite stringers
Potentially near the roof zone of a mineralized intrusive body
Associated with an IP chargeability high and Impedance
anomaly adjacent to a magnetic low feature (interpreted to
be intrusive body) also suggesting near the roof zone of a
mineralized intrusive body, less than 250 m
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