Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position slide image

Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position

EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) To mitigate the socioeconomic impact of the pandemic & to strengthen the resilience and competitiveness of the Cypriot economy €1.2 bn from EU mechanism €1.0 bn additional funds mobilised in Cyprus 58 reforms 75 investments M c.7% increase in GDP for 2022-2026 c.3% increase in employment for 2021-2026 +11,000 new high value-added jobs preparing for a green and digital era IIIII 75 new investments to be initiated including: • • Interconnection between Cyprus, Greece and Israel Promotion of diversification and competitiveness via introduction of financing schemes to SMEs and start-ups 41% 23% Green Transition Digital Transition 36% Other • Promotion of sustainable transport (eg: electric vehicles) . Prefinancing €157 mn received in Sep 2021 and; First payment of €85 mn received in Dec 2022 58 reforms to be introduced including: Modernising public and local authorities, improving efficiency in judicial system Introducing green taxation Establishing e-government 35
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