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Investor Presentaiton

127 A.P. Møller-Mærsk A/S Annual Report 2020 Financials Parent company financial statements Notes index Note 12 Financial instruments and risks - continued Table 12.3 Recognised at fair value through profit and loss Currency derivatives Interest derivatives Total Amounts in USD million == 2020 Fair value 2019 13 -20 -62 1 -49 -19 Equity before tax 2019 Table 12.3 Currency risk The company's currency risk arises primarily from its treasury activities where financing is obtained and pro- vided in a wide range of currencies other than USD such as EUR, GBP and NOK. The main purpose of hedging the company's currency risk is to hedge the USD value of the company's net cash flow and reduce fluctuations in the company's profit. The company uses various financial derivatives, including forwards, option contracts and cross-currency swaps, to hedge these risks. The key aspects of the currency hedg- ing policy are as follows: Net cash flows in other significant currencies than USD are hedged using a layered model with a 12-month horizon Significant capital commitments or divestments in other currencies than USD are hedged . Most non-USD debt is hedged, however, depending on the asset-liability match and the currency of the gen- erated cash flow. Table 12.4 The company enters into derivatives to hedge currency exposures that do not qualify for hedge accounting. These derivatives are classified as fair value through profit or loss. An increase in the USD exchange rate of 10% against all other significant currencies to which the company is exposed is presented in the table. Table 12.4 Profit before tax 2020 2019 2020 EUR -91 -307 -91 Other currencies -65 -50 -65 -307 -50 Total -156 -357 -156 -357
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