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Finally, I also use the collection of letters sent between Stalin and Kaganovich from 1931-1936.
These three sources, in addition to a variety of secondary articles and books, have been
invaluable to my understanding of Kaganovich as he saw himself, particularly in relation to his
Jewish identity, and the role he played in the Soviet Union.
It is necessary to note that because the aim of this thesis is to examine Kaganovich as he
presents his own life through his memoir, there are important portions of his story that I cover in
far less detail. Specifically, I do not cover the crimes and atrocities he supported and committed
in depth - this is because Kaganovich himself does not address these topics in extensive detail.
My decision to omit a significant discussion of Kaganovich's crimes is not in any way a
statement of support, ignorance, or complacency for his actions and the suffering he caused.
Rather, it reflects the limited scope of this project and an attempt to remain true to the goal of
examining Kaganovich's life as he himself presents it.
The Sources in Context
Before analyzing the content within the primary sources that I use in this thesis it is
necessary to position them in their specific contexts. The leading source for my work is
Kaganovich's memoir, written primarily from the mid-1960s to 1985. This source emerged
following Kaganovich's expulsion from the Party due to his unwavering support of Stalin and his
hardline Communist beliefs that were inconsistent with the new official Party direction under
Nikita Khrushchev. Once close friends and allies, Khrushchev and Kaganovich had a falling out
after Stalin's death and amid the rise of de-Stalinization. Kaganovich names Molotov,
Malenkov, and Shepilov as the men expelled along with him, but there were others beyond these
I also do not cover the topic of Soviet crimes in Ukraine in detail for the same reason I have not covered
Kaganovich's crimes in extensive detail. The addition of this note is particularly relevant given the recent
developments in world events following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Kaganovich and his life
hold even greater relevancy because of his Ukrainian nationality and influence in Ukrainian politics at different
points throughout his career. There is much to examine about the connection between Kaganovich, the Soviet
Union, and Ukraine, and I hope to pursue further research on this topic in the future.
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