Third Quarter 2022 Results slide image

Third Quarter 2022 Results

CPBS - Commercial & Personal Banking in Luxembourg - 9M22 €m Commercial & Personal Banking in Luxembourg Revenues incl. net interest income incl. fees Operating Expenses and Dep. Gross Operating Income Cost of Risk Operating Income Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities Other Non Operating Items Pre-Tax Income Income Attributable to Wealth and Asset Management Pre-Tax Income of Commercial & Personal Banking in Luxembourg Cost/Income Allocated Equity (Єbn, year to date; including 2/3 of Private Banking in Luxembourg) 3Q22 3Q21 3Q22 / 3Q21 2Q22 3Q22 / 9M22 9M21 9M22 / 2Q22 9M21 116 107 +8.4% 114 94 86 +9.3% 90 +2.2% +4.3% 22 21 +4.7% 24 -6.0% -62 -62 +0.3% -66 -4.9% -208 54 45 +19.5% 48 +11.9% 3 -7 n.s. 3 -7.5% 56 38 +48.1% 51 +10.8% , £ - ៩៩ ៨ ន ៩ 345 314 +9.8% 252 +7.8% 62 +17.8% -205 +1.7% 136 109 +25.0% -5 n.s. 104 +41.7% 0 0 n.s. 0 -40.5% 0 0 n.s. 1 0 n.s. 0 n.s. 3 0 n.s. 58 38 +51.0% 51 +13.6% 150 104 +44.2% -1 -2 -22.0% -2 -22.1% -5 -4 +4.4% 56 37 +54.0% 49 +14.8% 145 100 +45.9% 53.8% 58.1% -4.3 pt 57.8% -4.0 pt 60.4% 65.3% -4.9 pt 0.8 0.7 +11.5% 1. Including 100% of Private Banking in Luxembourg for the Revenues to Pre-tax Income line items Revenues: +8.4% vs. 3Q21; +9.8% vs. 9M21 • Net interest income: +9.3% vs. 3Q21; +7.8% vs. 9M21, increase driven by higher volumes and good performance of margins on corporate clients Fees: +4.7% vs. 3Q21; +17.8% vs. 9M21, increase driven by banking fees and corporate clients Operating expenses: +0.3% vs. 3Q21; +1.7% vs. 9M21, control of operating expenses and very positive jaws effect (+8.1 pts in 9M22) Pre-tax income: +54.0% vs. 3Q21; +45.9% vs. 9M21, favourable impact of the cost of risk BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world Third quarter 2022 results | 59
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