Investor Presentaiton
Addressing key areas of risks will enable successful implementation of strategy
Regulatory &
High interdependencies among initiatives may lead to delays
Insufficient issue resolution procedures to address problems
relating to data gathering, bottlenecks etc.
Limited skillset in MDAs to implement initiatives and adapt to
new ways of working
Resistance to change from the top, due to political interests
Lack of sponsorship from the top, due to other political
Limited socialization & stakeholder management
Poor response to change efforts, resulting in loss of support
and momentum in implementation
Limited funding to support implementation of strategic
initiatives due to inadequate prioritization of expenses
Reduction in federal allocation
Regulatory and legal delays (e.g. delays in getting laws
changed, getting new laws approved)
Mitigants incorporated in strategy
Emphasized need for strong coordination among initiative leads and
prioritization of interdependent actions in each initiative plan
Detailed out a clear issue resolution process in PMO
Incorporated the need for training of MDA staff in several initiatives
(Inter and Intra-MDA trainings)
Emphasized the need for the Governor to clearly communicate the
importance of implementation and hold MDA Commissioners and
Permanent Secretaries accountable for performance
Weekly inclusion of Governor in updates to ensure this is a priority on
his agenda and ensure consistent engagement on progress of initiatives
Recommended meeting cadence and communications plan to ensure
constant alignment and engagement across MDAs and with citizens
Recommended that the Governor showcase positive impacts of
initiatives to MDAs and citizens to drive sustained support
Recommended prioritization of investments to start with those which
can generate additional IGR and encourage donor funding
Recommended and provided materials to attain alternative sources of
funds (e.g. donors, investors)
Stressed the need for Governor to use his political influence to
expedite the amendment and passage of laws
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