Kore SPAC Presentation Deck
KORE: accelerating growth & revenue visibility
Scale & Growth
Growth in Total Contract
Value of Wins in 2020E vs.
Top 25 Customer Revenue
CAGR from 2018A to 2022P
FY2020E Go-Forward
Customer SIM Count vs. PY³
Established & Proven
Recurring Revenue in 2020E
BAU Churn from Go-Forward
Customers in 2020P2,3
Average Revenue Visibility
from Installed Base through
Note: (1) Total Contract Value is the estimated revenue from new or existing customer wins over an approx. 3-year time period based on customer and sales force forecasts of unit growth and contracted prices. (2) BAU Churn is Business as Usual
Churned Revenue from Customers which decided not to do business with KORE in 2020. (3) Normalized for one time churn customers from the acquisition of Raco and Wyless. (4) The installed base includes customers which had a signed contract
with KORE by the end of 2020, but excludes one time churn customers from the acquisition of Raco and Wyless
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