Superior Stability and Dividend Growth slide image

Superior Stability and Dividend Growth

European Portfolio Snapshot (cont'd) CLIENT DIVERSIFICATION - TOP EUROPEAN CLIENTS(1) Sainsbury's B&Q 18.4% TESCO Carrefour 5.6% ASDA 5.0% Other 17.3% 24.9% 28.8% (1) Based on percentages of total European portfolio annualized contractual rent as of March 31, 2022. (2) Based on market share. Source: Kantar World Panel. (3) Source: Mintel, 2020. EUROPEAN PORTFOLIO BY INDUSTRY(1) Other, 17% Health Care, 1% Warehousing and Storage, 2% Home Improvement, 21% KEY HIGHLIGHTS REALTY INCOME Grocery, 59% Diversified portfolio leased to clients operating in non-discretionary industries Sainsbury's and Tesco are the top grocers in the U.K. (2), and Carrefour is the 2nd largest grocer in Spain B&Q (Kingfisher) is the largest home improvement retailer in the U.K. and is number two in France (3) 48
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