Investor Presentaiton
Glossary & Definitions
Group Financial Results for quarter ended 31 March 2021
Phased-in Capital Conservation
Buffer (CCB)
Operating profit
Project Helix 2
Restructured loans
Relates to all business lines excluding Restructuring and Recoveries Division ("RRD"), REMU and non-core overseas exposures
In accordance with the legislation in Cyprus which has been set for all credit institutions, the applicable rate of the CCB is 1.25% for 2017, 1.875% for 2018 and 2.5% for 2019 (fully phased-in).
The NSFR is calculated as the amount of "available stable funding" (ASF) relative to the amount of "required stable funding" (RSF), on the basis of Basel III standards. Its calculation is a SREP
requirement. The EBA NSFR will be enforced as a regulatory ratio under CRR II in June 2021.
Open Market Value
The operating profit comprises profit before Total loan credit losses, impairments and provisions (as defined), tax, (profit)/loss attributable to non-controlling interests and non-recurring items (as
percentage points
Project Helix 2 refers to the portfolio of loans with a gross book value of €898 mn as at 30 June 2020 for which an agreement for sale was reached in August 2020 (Portfolio A) and to the portfolio of
loans with a gross book value of €545 mn as at 30 September 2020 for which an agreement for sale was reached in January 2021 (Portfolio B). For further information please refer to section B.2.5
Loan portfolio quality of the press release.
Quarter on quarter change
Restructuring activity within quarter as recorded at each quarter end and includes restructurings of NPEs, performing loans and re-restructurings.
Risk adjusted yield
Interest Income on Loans net of allowance for expected loan credit losses/Net Loans.
RWA Intensity
Special levy
Stage 2 & Stage 3 Loans
Bank of Cyprus Holdings
Restructuring and Recoveries Division.
Risk Weighted Assets.
Risk Weighted Assets over Total Assets.
Relates to the special levy on deposits of credit institutions in Cyprus.
Include purchased or originated credit-impaired.
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