Klarna Business Update
Robust performance to date with
accelerating volume growth trend.
Year-on-year growth
(gross merchandise volume)
2019 Q1
2019 Q2
2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2020 Q1
2020 Q2
■ Covid-19 has driven major shifts in the retail landscape, with
accelerating online penetration in many of Klarna's key verticals
(e.g. apparel, footwear, accessories, home & garden, beauty, etc.)
while others (travel, ticketing) have been negatively affected.
■ Many retailers have recently expedited the development of their
online offering as this has become the key engagement channel,
and we have seen a significant acceleration of global retail brands
partnering with us year to date, and look forward to many going
live very shortly for peak shopping season in the fall.
Despite taking precautionary measures during the first half of
2020, including adjusting our credit policies globally, Klarna has
seen accelerated growth and demand from retailers and
consumers. Our balance sheet strength, current all time high
consumer credit quality indicators in the US, and continued focus
on further improving our elevated shopping experience, ensures
that Klarna is well positioned to meet this growing demand.
■ The result further solidifies the trend of accelerating growth seen
during the last years.View entire presentation