Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

8.2 COMMUNITIES [GRI 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3-203-413 | 203-1 | 203-2] Our activities are inherent drivers of social development since energy production is key for socioeconomic progress. Additionally, our operations are located in regions with high growth potential. Our presence promotes the direct and indirect creation of local businesses and jobs (which we prioritize); important payments to landowners (promissory); as well as taxes and royalties. Added to this list is the training of people from local communities with the potential to increase the average wage, and replace liquid fuels, such as diesel and fuel oil, with natural gas, which has a strong economic, environmental, and social impact. In 2020, we paid royalties related to natural gas E&P activities in the Parnaíba complex, amounting to R$53,607,372.05. During the year, we had 226 leasing contracts with individuals, associations of small rural producers, and companies. The monthly nominal household income per capita in Maranhão is only R$676.00. In 2020, we invested R$6,258,954.53 in the use of third-party areas to pass gas pipelines and drill wells, among other E&P activities. According to the most recent data available (National Census - IBGE), our presence in the state also contributes to: INCREASING THE NUMBER OF COMPANIES AND SALARIED WORKERS Santo Antônio dos Lopes (MA) from 82 to 152 companies, and from 584 to 1,211 employees between 2010 and 2018. This does not include the positive impacts of the Parnaíba V construction work which began in July 2019 and, by 2020, had approximately 2,500 employees. HUMAN CAPITAL Training of people from local communities INCREASING THE VALUE OF THE AVERAGE WAGE Santo Antônio dos Lopes (MA) which went from 1.1x the minimum wage in 2010 to 3.8x the minimum wage in 2018. IMPROVING SOCIAL INDICATORS RELATED TO HEALTH AND EDUCATION Santo Antônio dos Lopes (MA) which correlates with the impact of the royalties we pay towards the municipality's health and education budget. According to data available in the accounting and fiscal information system of the public sector, the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) of the initial years of elementary school went from 3.3 in 2009 to 4.9 in 2017. The infant mortality rate was at 18.85 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants and fell to 4.26: a 77.34% drop in the number of deaths between the periods analyzed (2009 and 2017). ABOUT LETTER FROM ABOUT FIGHTING THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ENEVA COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED HUMAN CAPITAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 90
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