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Investor Presentaiton

Vogtle 3 & 4 Major Milestone Definitions. Cold Hydro Test- Cold Hydro Testing contains several separate tests in different areas of the plant to verify that welds, joints, pipes, and other components of the reactor coolant system, steam-supply system and associated high pressure systems do not leak and will hold pressure. To accomplish these tests, internals will be installed in the reactor vessel and the integrated head package will be installed with all head bolts tensioned. The reactor coolant system will be filled and pressurized above normal operating conditions, backed down to normal design pressure, and held there while the comprehensive inspection is conducted. Hot Functional Test- Hot Functional Testing will demonstrate the integrated operation of the primary coolant system and steam supply system at design temperature and pressure with no fuel in the reactor. Operators use the heat generated by plant equipment to raise the temperature and pressure of plant systems to normal operating levels. The unit's main turbine will be raised to normal operating speed using the plant's steam. This test is the first time components and systems are operated together, allowing operators to exercise and validate procedures and is required before fuel is loaded into the reactor. Fuel Load- Operators load nuclear fuel into the reactor for the first time in preparation for start-up testing and, ultimately, commercial operation. Completion of fuel load marks the end of major testing. 38
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