Investor Presentaiton
AUM - Assets Under Management
POS - Principal Outstanding
NII - Net Interest Income
NIMS - Net Interest Margin
DA - Direct Assignment / Assigned Assets
Assets Under Management/Gross Loan Assets represents the aggregate of current principal
outstanding and overdue principal outstanding, if any, for all loan assets under management which
includes loan assets held by the Company as of the last day of the relevant year or period as well
as loan assets which have been transferred by the Company by way of assignment and are
outstanding as of the last day of the relevant year or period.
Loans - Principal outstanding represents gross principal outstanding of loans as of the last day of
the relevant period or year as per the restated financial statements.
Net Interest Income represents interest income on term loans minus Interest on borrowings and
Interest on debt securities for the relevant year or period
Net Interest Income / Average total assets
Assigned Assets represents the aggregate of current principal outstanding and overdue principal
outstanding, if any, for all loan assets which have been transferred by the Company by way of
assignment as of the last day of the relevant year or period. The Assigned Assets represent the
direct assignments and not pass through certificate.
DPD Days Past Due
DPD 30+
Gross Stage 3 / POS %
Opex to Assets
Cost to Income
DPD 30+ represents sum of Stage 2 loan assets and Stage 3 loan assets at the end of the
relevant year or period
% Stage 3 loan assets / Loans - Principal Outstanding
Operating Expenses / Average Total Assets
Operating Expenses / Net Total Income
Home First Finance Company India Ltd. Investor Presentation - Q1 FY24
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