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Investor Presentaiton

IJMS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS II COIMAMA $38 Abstracts Abstracts Introduction: The movement "Blue November" was created in 2012 by the Institute Side by Side for Life, one of the goals of this campaign is to change the paradigms and prejudices regarding the return of man to the doctor and getting screened. The focus of the campaign is the fight against prostate cancer, a pathology that affects much of the male population and is the sixth most common type of cancer in Brazil and the second most common cancer in men after skin tumors. The Experience: The present work it is descriptive study type experience report, carried out during the theoretical and practical teaching of the discipline Fundamentals of Medical Practice of the medical school of the Federal University of Maranhão, Campus Pin- heiro, in the Outpatient Center Pinheiro (CAP) during the campaign November. Assisted clients in this hospital includes users of the Uni- fied Health System, with public ranging from men, women, elderly and children. The developed theoretical and practical activities oc- curred in the morning, and the students were divided into groups, each being responsible for a major issue when it comes to the care and promotion of men's health. Topics covered included prevention of prostate cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, Healthy Eating and toiletries. Each team set up decorated booths, made distribution of personal hygiene kits, condoms and made practical demonstrations on hygiene and about the diseases addressed. In addition to the expository speeches were musical performances, snack and folders distribution. The activities were supervised by the teachers respon- sible for the module and for the outpatient center staff. Conclusion: The realization of the project 'Blue November' by students of the UFMA medicine and faculty of Module I of the Medical Practice Fun- damentals, showed ignorance of the population about human health and disease prevention, in addition to the fear of the population to seek help and information due to the 'taboo', as related to the examination of touch. Thus, there was a positive outcome of the event that had other issues such as sexually transmitted diseases, healthy eating and personal care, with the participation of the entire population, making the exchange between the university and the community, promoting health education and disease prevention. 82 Profile of Prescribed Medications used in a Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) Mirlley Cristina Ferreira Borges; Suanne Ferreira Marinho; Sally Cristina Moutinho Monteiro; Ilka Kassandra Pereira Belfort; Marcia de Souza Rodrigues Introduction: Currently million people worldwide suffer from social problems related to drug abuse or alcohol and the care of these people is carried out by the Unified Health System (SUS) in Psicos- social- Attention Alcohol and Drug Centers (CAPS-AD) which provide treatment to the abuse and dependence of psychoactive substances. The therapeutic projects vary according to the clinical evaluation of the patient, but mostly psychotropic medications are used. In Brazil, psychotropic medications are frequent causes of drug intoxication, including benzodiazepines, barbiturates, antidepressants and anti- convulsants. Objectives: This way, this study aims to understand the profile of use of prescribed psychiatric drugs and their associations in a CAPS-AD. Methods: The survey was conducted by evaluating the medical records of users in treatment in CAPS-AD in São Luís, State of Maranhão. Data collection was conducted from April to July 2015. The parameters measured were: sex, age, diagnostic impression, an- tidepressants and prescription antipsychotic drug agents and their associations. Results: A total of 110 medical records of users who re- gularly attend the CAPS-AD, and 16% were female and 84% male. The most prevalent age group was between 40-49 years (36%). Among the main diagnostic impressions are the pictures of mental and be- havioral disorders due to use of alcohol (F10), and mental and beha- vioral disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoac- tive substances dependence syndrome (F19.2) the most prevalent (23%). The therapeutic class of drugs most commonly used are anxiolytics anticonvulsant (41%), antidepressants (16%) and anti- psychotics (15%). The most frequently prescribed antidepressant is amitriptyline (29%) and as antipsychotic is risperidone (35%), while the most frequent combination with antidepressant is amitriptyline clonazepam and for the antipsychotic the most frequent association was observed risperidone with diazepam. Conclusion: It was found that the CAPS-AD service acts to seek the articulation of therapeutic projects and the use of psychotropic medications occurs in the vast majority of users of the service. It is necessary, however, to carry out actions to promote the rational use of these drugs, targeting the safety and therapeutic efficacy. 83 Entero Vesical Fistule: Case report Tâmara Aroucha Matos; Sílvio José Moreira Lima; Roseliny de Morais Martins Batista; Tarcísia Bezerra de Alencar; Viviane Oliveira Arruda Carneiro; Vitor Augusto Ribeiro Oliviera Introduction: Entero vesical Fistule, (FEB), also known as vesico- enteric or vesico- colonica are uncommon pathologies resulting from communication between the urinary bladder and intestine, resulting from Diverticulitis (DVC) in 65% of cases when a phlegmon or abs- cess extends or breaks in the bladder wall adjacent causing symp- toms characteristic of pneumature and fecalure considered pathog- nomonic of the disorder. Crohn's disease ranks second causes, followed by inflammatory diseases of the pelvis, colorectal cancer, urinary bladder, uterus, prostate, trauma, radiation, and iatrogenic procedures at the time of reversal of Hartmann. Medical treatment with antibiotics associations, total parenteral nutrition and immuno- modulatory agents have little effect and may have adverse effects such as pancreatitis, hepatitis and nephritis. Currently, the most wi- dely used choice of procedure is a bowel resection of the affected portion and primary anastomosis urinary bladder. The Case: VMP, 61, male, white, married, born in the municipality of Viana -Maranhão searched urologic care with dysuria complaint intense and persistent associated with fecalure and pneumature that began in December 2014. It was held urinary videoendoscopy which showed redness in the internal area of the left side wall and the presence of feces in bladder light. Was carried out is also a Urotomografia who confirmed diagnosis of colic fistula Vésico-, and the patient underwent surgery in January 2015, with dissection and primary suture of the fistu- la with an increase in postoperative complications without getting discharged on the fifth day postoperatively. Conclusion: Although FEV is infrequent and difficult to diagnose the occurrence of pos- sibilities should always be assessed in the case of CVD and other associations so that we can reach an effective and fast treatment, and discard associations with urinary tract infections, which It occurs very frequently. Studies have shown the possibility of a conserva- tive treatment without surgery, only being conducted drug control procedures and radiographic examinations monitoring. Other studies have postulated the use of Octreotide in the treatment of rectal can- cer, getting the disappearance of secondary fistulas probably due to splenic vasoconstriction and reduction of secretions of the gastroin- testinal tract to the bladder caused by the drug. Radiographs and CT scan, barium enema barium and cystoscopy are of great importance for an accurate and safe diagnosis, as well as control assessments. Therefore, a careful medical history and a detailed physical exami- nation are entitled to the importance of early diagnosis of FEV, so preventing further complications since it has a high mortality. 84 Prevalence of Microbiological Agents in Cytological Examina- tion Performed in Basic and Applied Immunology Nucleum Andrey Salgado Moraes Filho; Marcos Antonio Custódio Neto da Silva; Rebeca Costa Castelo Branco; Geusa Felipa de Ba- rros Bezerra; Maria do Desterro Soares Brandão Nascimento Introduction: The normal vaginal flora is composed of a large variety of microorganisms that are modified during normal physiological pro- cess of maturation of the woman. The occurrence of inflammations and/or vaginal infections are a major cause of complaints in women seeking gynecological clinic, and bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and trichomoniasis represent about 90% of infectious disorders of the female genital tract. The use of cervical-vaginal smear stained by the Papanicolaou method, is a resource used by its practicality, low cost and reap routine ita and is used mainly for cervical cancer research or precursor lesions of cervical cancer, in addition to screening STD agents and observation of bacterial vaginosis or IPV. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the prevalence of microorganisms related to genital infections in cervical smears collected from January 2009 to December 2012 in Basic and Applied Immunology Nucleum (NIBA) of the Federal University of Maranhão. Methods: We analyzed 845 cytopathology of women attended in Basic and Applied Immunology Nucleum (NIBA) of the Federal University of Maranhão from January 2009 to December 2012. The tests were performed at NIBA by cyto- logic analysis and data obtained from the medical records of chips . Statistical analysis was performed with BioEstat 5.0. This project was approved by the Ethics Committee of University Hospital of the Presidente Dutra in the opinion 001673/201140. Results: Between January 2009 and December 2012 were performed 845 cytological examinations of the cervix. The overall prevalence of microbiological agents was 38.3% (324/845). The prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis infections, HPV, Trichomonas vaginalis and Candida species were 23% (195/845) 10% (85/845), 3.67% (31/845) and 0.47% (4/845) respec- tively. Conclusion: The prevalence of microbiological agents in this population is significant. The cytological examination is an important diagnostic tool. mothers interviewed, 58 had between 20 and 29 years. About the educational level 50% of respondents have completed high school. About marital status, 38 have stable union. As for household income 47 received a minimum wage. About the number of children 54 of the interviewees had two to three children. As regards the defini- tion of the term childcare 94 unaware of the same; 84 mothers say they have taken their children to childcare consultation, the majority done by the doctor and 55 reported not having knowledge about the actions that are performed on a routine visit. Conclusion: In pri- mary care, child care emerges as a the comprehensive monitoring of child growth and development, turning to aspects of prevention, pro- tection and health promotion, so that the child reaches adulthood without brought unfavorable influences from childhood. Knowing that the majority of respondents are unaware of the importance of child care consultation, it is necessary to implement measures to disseminate and encourage such consultations on UBS. 87 85 Signs and Symptoms of Periodontitis in Pregnant Women Assisted in a Health Basic Unit of São Luis-MA Francisca Laura Ferreira De Sousa; Flávia Fernanda Macêdo Santiago Soares; Laise Neves Carvalho Introduction: Due to physiological changes resulting from pregnancy, such as nutritional deficiencies, high levels of estrogen and pro- gesterone, is very common during this period, gingivitis and tooth mobility. Studies have shown possible risks between oral diseases, especially periodontal disease and pregnancy complications such as premature birth, newborns with low weight and preeclampsia. Expla- nations for these suppositions are based on the fact that periodontal disease is an infectious. Objectives: The aim of this study was to des- cribe the signs and symptoms of periodontitis in pregnant women interviewed by PET- Saúde from CEUMA University. Methods: This is a quantitative, descriptive, observational cross-sectional with 48 preg- nant women, four health units in the city of São Luís, in the period from September 2013 to March 2014. To collect data was used a ques- tionnaire with questions related to socio-demographic and health conditions formulated by the preceptors of Pet- Saúde Redes of Uni- versidade CEUMA. The data collection was conducted by program students, who were previously trained. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of UNICEUMA search with the notion number 743 094. Results: Among the study participants, 35.4% (17) reported spontaneous gingival bleeding, 30% (15) had bleeding after flossing and 25% (12) reported tooth mobility. Conclusion: It is concluded that periodontal disease also had a high prevalence among pregnant women studied, increasing the importance of health maintenance. 86 Child Health: Perception of Mother for Child Care Consulta- tion Mirla Kalina Silva Dos Santos; Elaine Pereira De Andrade; Nayanna Láyza Oliveira De Sousa; Thais Costa Alves; Sandra Komarsson Carvalho E Cordeiro; Laise Neves Carvalho Introduction: Child care is the medical science that deals with the study of the care of the human being in development, more spe- cifically to the monitoring of child development. According to the Ministério da Saúde, monitoring the growth and development is part of the comprehensive assessment of child health, being a consti- tuent of child care, which involves evaluating the weight, stature, psychomotor development, immunization and complications, nutri- tional status, as well guidelines as the mother/family/caregivers on caring for the child. The childcare can be called nowadays as preventive pediatrics, which analyzes the services provided prenatal consultations, extending through childhood, until the end of adoles- cence, in other words assistance for healthy child able to prevent diseases and allow early intervention to correct deviations of growth and development. Objectives: To describe the perception of mothers on childcare consultation. Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross held at Centro de Saúde Amar in the period from February to July 2015. The study population consisted of 100 mothers of chil- dren attending the Health Basic Unit. For data collection was used questionnaire formulated by the researchers. Results: Among the 100 Tips Nursing Nipple Use of Breastfeeding in Children Assisted in a Health Basic Unit of São Luís Suellen Guimaraes Melo Silva; Manuel Alves De Moura Sobrinho; Laise Neves Carvalho; Tassia Lorena Barros Silva Figueiredo; Francisca Laura Ferreira De Sousa Introduction: The nursing nipples are widely used in many coun- tries and an important cultural habit in our midst. With this, the stimulation of the milk suction can be reduced, leading to lower production of milk with consequent early weanin. Objectives: This study aims to describe the frequency of the use of nursing nipples during breastfeeding in children receiving care at a basic health unit in São Luís MA. Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sec- tional, with 50 children aged up to two years, assisted in the Basic Health Unit Djalma Marques, in the period from May to July 2015. For data collection was used a questionnaire formulated by the resear- chers, with identification data and use of artificial suction. The data forms collected by the students of health to work for the education program (PETSAUDE) Universidade CEUMA networks, who were pre- viously trained. Results: Concerning the duration of breastfeeding, all children were breastfed, 24% only up to 3 months, 26% between 4 and 6 months and half of the children, 50% for more than 6 months. About the concomitant use of nursing nipples during the breastfe- eding, of 50 children surveyed, 36% of them made continuous and daily use of that. About the baby bottle feeding associated with breastfeeding, 52% of children used bottles during the same period who were breastfed and 48% of them had never used a bottle until the time of the survey. Conclusion: Knowing the deleterious effects of these habits during the breastfeeding period, become necessary educational measures for mothers and the general public as well as health professionals. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS • 2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1 • 2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1 II COIMAMA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS $39
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