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Investor Presentaiton

AGING PROGRAMS AND PLAN FOCUS AREAS VIRGINIA AREA 2 - AGE IN PLACE Best Practices Awards Developed and sponsored by the CCOA, the Best Practices Awards provide statewide recognition of successful, unique, local, or regional programs that serve older Virgini- ans and their families. Since 2006, the awards, which have a special focus on aging in place, have recognized creativity and effectiveness in services that foster age- friendly, livable communities and provide HCBS. From transportation to housing and caregiver support to multi-generational program- ming, the awards acknowledge and promote best practices, raise awareness about the value of HCBS, and encourage replication of stellar programs. Information about winners can be found here: Care Transitions The term "care transitions" refers to the movement of individuals between health care practitioners and settings as their conditions and care needs change during the course of a chronic or acute illness. The goals of care transition programs are to im- prove transitions from the inpatient hospital setting to other care settings, to improve quality of care, to reduce readmissions for high risk individuals, and to document measurable savings to the Medicare program. Many AAAs in Virginia are involved in care transitions projects in partnership with their local hospitals or health care sys- tems. Several AAAs have also banded together to create the VAAACares to further ad- vance care transitions in their communities. Currently, all AAAs engaged in care transitions are using the Coleman Transitions In- tervention Model that is based on the four pillars of: 1) medication self-management, 2) patient-centered record, 3) follow-up with the health care practitioner, and 4) knowledge of red flags. In FFY 2018, AAAs provided care transitions to over 1,350 individuals. FFY 2018 1,350 = Recipients of transitions provided by AAAS 50 60
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